Sunday, September 4, 2011

New Donations

Thank you so much to Compassionate Passages for donating five copies of the book, 'Empty Cradle, Broken Heart'. We also received two items off our wish list: a Bugaboo necklace and a card from the Lost for Words Collection yesterday. There wasn't any information, as to who donated them. I sent out an email and posted on Facebook to see if anyone knows. In case, they don't come forward or I don't find out... thank you to whoever donated them!! *** UPDATE: I found out... thank you to the Lucas Family. *** I've updated the supply list to include these new items. I'm going to sit down tomorrow or Monday and make a list of what items to order with the monetary donations that have been received so far.

I stopped in and eyeballed "my" sewing machine today. ;-) I'm so excited about getting it. I can't wait to learn how to sew and start making the blankets and pouches. I just want that feeling of being able to make a difference with something made by me, something personal. Knowing that these blankets and pouches are the only item these babies will ever wear/touch... it just reminds me of why this project is so important. The few precious moments, these parents will spend holding their baby, are all they will get in this lifetime. I'm nowhere near close to beginning to understand His plan but I'm honored to give this glory to Him. As much as I would love to have Nathan here with me, I'm beaming with pride at the fact that God is allowing his precious little life to impact so many other people.


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