Sunday, March 18, 2012

Mother's Day in the UK

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms in the UK...

Happy Mother’s Day to those of you who have
only dreamed of a child you could never conceive.
Happy Mother’s Day to those of you who never got to feel
your child flutter in your womb for he was gone too soon.
Happy Mother’s Day to those of you who went through labor to hold
a still, silent yet perfect angel baby in your arms.
Happy Mother’s Day to those of you who looked day by day
at your healthy baby only to find her silent, cold and gone one day.
Happy Mother’s Day to those of you who fought hard
and whose child fought harder for a life too short.
Happy Mother’s Day to those of you who knew the day was coming
when you would no longer hold your child yet you gave him a full life.
Happy Mother’s Day to those whose child was 4 or 5
and brought you crushed wildflowers last year but
who have gone on since then.
Happy Mother’s Day to those of you who could no longer
pick up your baby because she was too big,
but in the end you rocked back and forth invaded by grief.
Happy Mother’s Day to those of you who raised your children well
but had to bury them all too young, all too soon.
Happy Mother’s Day to all who are mothers
whether they cherish their children all on earth
or they spend Mother’s Day enthralled
by their grief for a brief moment in time.
Were we more mothers then than now?
NO! Be clear and let no one take away our right of motherhood!!

by Jean Stewart
Mother to Rebecca "Becca" Stewart
And Christopher Stewart


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