Monday, July 8, 2013

Perinatal Hospice and Memory Box Programs

Shared via Sawyer's Heart: "THIS is why all memory box programs and Perinatal Hospice should be fully supported in EVERY SINGLE HOSPITAL. Until then, we have a lot of work to do. Please take just a few moments to watch the story of Erin - and learn about how incredibly important it is for her mom and dad to parent their baby girl."

I received an email from Randolph Hospital today and they are out of memory boxes again. I'm going to have to, very quickly, gather a second set of boxes for them in the next week or so. While I'm glad that I'm able to do something in Nathan's memory, I hate when the boxes actually have to be used... especially this quickly. If you have anything you would like to contribute to the boxes, please let me know.


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